Марк Гэтисс, Бенедикт Камбербэтч и Мартин Фримен смотрят и обсуждают третью серию "Шерлока".
Mark (as Sally Donovan walks into Lestrade’s office): “Here’s the lovely Vinette Robinson.”
Benedict: “The brilliant Vinette Robinson. She’s good in it, isn’t she? Wonderful.”
Martin: “Eh, marry her, then.”
Benedict: “I don’t think Olivia will let me!”
Mark: “I remember looking through one of these doors with the glass porthole, and you two had gone back to base, and I looked through and there you were playing cards, and I thought it was quite weird. And it was actually your stunt doubles.”
Benedict: “Our what, sorry? We don’t have stunt doubles!”
Mark: “Hello! Your ... your eating doubles.”
Benedict: “I can’t believe you’re allowed to mention it. If I can’t talk about Versace, Yves St Laurent boots, and Marks and Spencers, why you can give away the fact that we have stunt doubles, I don’t know.”

Benedict: “There’s so much to play in this scene [but] one of my main preoccupations was the fact that my Spencer Hart suit ...”
(Mark growls in irritation.)
Benedict: “... was bulging at the pockets because it had a gun in it! (He laughs.) It was really odd and difficult to walk!”
Mark: “Can you say that again and just say ‘my suit’?”
Benedict: “OK: that very well-fitted beautifully tailored suit has a rather large gun in it and it was rather distracting, to the point that I had to concentrate very hard on not falling into the water.”
Benedict: “And here is the sublime Andrew Scott.”
Mark: “So not just a cheap gay joke. In fact, a supervillain! Now, Andrew came in to read for this part and everybody just really fell for his interpretation. The thing about Moriarty – obviously as with the reinterpretation of Sherlock and John – he was never gonna be a sixty year old bald professor. He was going to be something else, and something hiding in plain sight, as it were. And we saw a lot of great people, but what Andrew brought to it immediately was a kind of playful super-intensity; and for all the sort of camp fun of some of these lines, which are demanded by a Holmes and Moriarty confrontation, there are moments in it which are so scary, I think, when his face becomes a lizard-like set mask and this real evil just comes through, I think is really remarkable.”
Benedict (sounding exasperated): “Oh, marry him!”
Mark: “Oh, I am. I’m married to Andrew! That’s a given!”
Benedict: “That was me being Martin, by the way.”