понедельник, 25 февраля 2008
6 июля прошлого года я написала этот милый, наивный фик про сэр Яна МакКеллена (заказ был от
El Aurence на МакКеллена и кого-нибудь из актеров, если не ошибаюсь. чтобы был сюрприз).
вот мини-фик.
Title: Just like that
Fandom: rps
Pairing: Ian McKellen/Unknown
Raiting: PG-13
Summary: Sometimes feelings are mutual. And sometimes they're just like that.
Notes: written for rene_starko
Young actors are always eager: to impress, to please, to shock, to get. McKellen is used to all that. He brushes them away - politely and efficiently. Yet this youngster is ridiculously shy and McKellen is getting tired of this charade. They're on a lame party for useless charity, the crowd is already drunk enough to have some fun, but sober to pose for endless photos. This guy doesn't make any move, just stares with those huge eyes of his - he's like a puppy, really. 'A lapdog', - thinks McKellen, smiles lightly, and that guy blushes right away.
If Ian was at least 20 years younger he would grab this gorgeous man and ride with him into the sunset, or fuck him in the nearest hotel. Instead he asks his friend if he knows that guy. He surely looks familiar, but then again, Ian is not that good with modern actors. A friend gets distracted and when he looks up again, that young man is gone. Ian's friend shrugs shoulders and goes away.
Ian feels cheated. He feels like he's back in high-school, so not outed yet, very awkward and unsure. Damn those hot, shy, brilliant guys who slip away like some kind of gay-Cinderellas.
Ian smiles ones again. Sound-check on the stage is too loud and Ian is ready to leave. There'll be another performance. The need for publicity is insatiable for these damn youngsters. Near the exit Ian turns to look at a stage again. He catches a glimpse of those huge eyes before they're closely shut. Ian hears "Everybody's gonna love today". So that's why this guy looked so familiar.
Ian shuts the door behind him, inhales relatively fresh air and goes to his car. Sometimes feelings are mutual, and sometimes they're just like that.
И тут мне
El Aurence показывает чудеснейшую, просто великолепную цитату МакКеллена от 20 февраля 2008 года. Я ее под кат спрячу. Вы, пожалуйста, если можете, сначала фик прочитайте - так как там, типа, загадка, кто понравился МакКеллену. А в цитате - отгадка.
Не, ну бывает же такое чудесное и прекрасное, а? Когда сначала творчество, а потом жизнь!
читать дальше
Ян Маккелен постоянно подшучивал, что согласился принять участие в церемонии лишь потому, что надеялся лично встретить поп-звезду Мику (Mika).
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