Очень момент понравился (конец отрывка. но без начала было бы совсем непонятно).
Малфой и Гарри (просто) стоят на платформе и ждут возвращения детей из Хогвартса. Наши герои как всегда враждуют, зато их сыновья дружат.
Harry blew out a thin stream of smoke. "Might as well wait here with you. Chances are our sons will be joined at the hip."
"Circe, I hope not," Malfoy muttered and he folded the Prophet and tucked it in his bag. "Are you going to insist upon annoying me with your presence?"
"Does it bother you?"
Malfoy frowned. "Are you an idiot?"
"Maybe." Harry grinned at him. He liked sparring with Malfoy, he'd discovered. Maybe he always had. He took another drag on his cigarette and tapped the ash off.
"That's a filthy habit."
Harry puffed out a smoke circle and rolled the cigarette between his fingers as he inhaled again. The end flared orange-black. "I know."
They fell silent for a moment. Malfoy studiously stared down the platform, away from Harry.
фик "Take A Sad Song (And Make It Better)" от femmequixotic в жж.
Мой очень условный перевод. Чтобы был на всякий случай.
Малфой и Гарри (просто) стоят на платформе и ждут возвращения детей из Хогвартса. Наши герои как всегда враждуют, зато их сыновья дружат.
Harry blew out a thin stream of smoke. "Might as well wait here with you. Chances are our sons will be joined at the hip."
"Circe, I hope not," Malfoy muttered and he folded the Prophet and tucked it in his bag. "Are you going to insist upon annoying me with your presence?"
"Does it bother you?"
Malfoy frowned. "Are you an idiot?"
"Maybe." Harry grinned at him. He liked sparring with Malfoy, he'd discovered. Maybe he always had. He took another drag on his cigarette and tapped the ash off.
"That's a filthy habit."
Harry puffed out a smoke circle and rolled the cigarette between his fingers as he inhaled again. The end flared orange-black. "I know."
They fell silent for a moment. Malfoy studiously stared down the platform, away from Harry.
фик "Take A Sad Song (And Make It Better)" от femmequixotic в жж.
Мой очень условный перевод. Чтобы был на всякий случай.